The Best of Ciudad Emergente in 2013!


Incredibly 2013 has flown past, and with it we bring a busy year for Ciudad Emergente to a close. We want to thank all those who have supported and followed us this year, and share with you all a visual and numerical summary of the 2013 highlights. Starting with the good, the bad, and the learned we launch 2014 with concrete initiatives to improve the quality of life in our cities.

Here is an overview of the last year!

Arts Festival 2013, Recycling OkuPlaza  and Civic Okuplaza

Plaza del Reciclaje

12 thousand recycled bottles gave life to Valparaiso’s Recycling Okuplaza

International Seminar on Tactics for Urban Mobility: Monash University + Urban Planning Masters UC

Biciruta Diagnostico

Diagnostic Bike-path along Providencia

Urban Potlucks Plan CREO Antofagasta

photo (15)

Plan CREO Antofagasta: We realized 4 urban potlucks in various neighborhoods of the city.

Yungay to the Street: Program for Reclaiming Historical Neighborhoods

Malon Urbano

Urban Potluck Yungay on the Street

Indicator Assessment #YoVivoMap8 #Map8Pedaleable + UDP

Mapocho Ciudadano

More than 4 thousand people descended to cycle along the Map8! 10% of them told us why they chose to go down to the river!

Chair-Bombing Barrio Italia + Alianza Centro MilM2 + UDD


For the chair-bombing architecture students form the UDD constructed seats out of pallets in the Centro Mil M2

Publication of Tactical Urbanism Latin America VOL3


More than 10 thousand people from over 12 countries have downloaded the book!

Good Practices Fair for the Barrios MINVU Program


Tens of organizations and neighborhood association participated in the Trueque Fair implemented by CEM!

Okuplaza San Diego, Santiago + UDD

Okuplaza San Diego_Credito Image: EnTerreno, Felipe Bengoa

The first Okuplaza in San Diego lasted 60 days.

Image Credit : EnTerreno, Felipe Bengoa

Eyes on the Street: Port of Ideas Festival, Valparaiso


More than 10 thousand bags give form to the recuperation of the Subercaseaux Building in Valparaiso.

Urban Intervention in Mexico City, Santiago de Tepalcatlalpan, Xochimilco. 

Arbol de Ideas Ciudad Emergente México

Tree of Ideas Ciudad Emergente Mexico

Indicator Assessment Parque Metropolitano, Santiago


Hundreds of cyclists tell us their dreams and aspirations for the Parque Metropolitano

Ciudad Emergente’s 2013 year in numbers:

8 people actively working

Urban Potlucks



2 Countries and 7 Communes**

8 alliances with national and international universities ***

1 nomination for project of National Innovation Avonni

1st place in best neighborhood practices for Urban Potlucks

1,570 direct beneficiaries ****

3,446 followers on Facebook and Twitter

16,831 people downloading publications on tactical urbanism

more than 12,000 PET bottles reused and recycled.

More than 20,000 plastic bad reused and recycled

1 vision: improve the quality of life in the city through social innovation and citizen participation!

Happy New Year to all who emerge with new ideas for the city, and welcome to 2014!

*In 2013 CEM published the book: Tactical Urbanism VOL3: Latin Ameriacan Cases, as well as a Spanish translation of the book Enabling City VOL2 by Chiara Camponeschi. See more here.

** This year CEM maintained a strong presence in Chile and we realized our first project in Mexico. The communes where we had a presence included Santiago Centro, Providencia, Valparaiso, Concepcion, Temuco, Antofagasta, and Santiago de Tepalcatlalpan

***  During the fist semester of 2013 CEM was actively present in 3 national universities through the course “Tactical Urbanism” in the UDP, and the course “Public Responsibilities” in the UDD (the latter was also offered during the second semester). During the second semester of 2013 CEM took part in the course “Emerging Urbanism” for UC’s Masters of Urban Planning and the “Urban Entrepreneurship” course at the UDD. Furthermore CEM realized national collaborations with the University of Antofagasta and the Universidad Católica del Norte, and international collaborations with University College London (UCL), Monash University in Australia, and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma of Mexico.

**** The calculation of direct benefits is intimated exclusively based on people attending the 7 Urban Potlucks, calculating 110 people per Potluck, adding 800 active participants in the application of 3 instruments for assessing public perception, 400 people in the tactic Map8pedaleable, 200 people in the tree of ideas, Mexico, and 200 people in the tree of idea Parque Metropolitano.


