The Best of Ciudad Emergente in 2015!


Since 2015 ended a short while ago, we would like to share with you all an account of what this year brought us in an annual summary of the projects and activities driven by and related to Ciudad Emergente.

This year, thanks to our projects, we got to know almost 10 communes and their residents who experiences our tactics. We urged hundreds of people to bring their chairs and tables out to the street to meet each other, debate, and strengthen their social capital. We consolidated a large working team that allowed us to continue driving concrete initiatives to collectively build the city. We invite you all to review Ciudad Emergente’s figures and images for 2015!

The Urban Potlucks are back stronger than ever!


The Clemente Fabres Potluck even had dance! It was part for the project Vecinos en Red (Neighbor Network) realized in conjunction with the Providencia Municipality and with the Fund for Citizen Participation 2015

Host your own Urban Potluck with our free KIT and step-by-step guide

Si quieres hacer tu propio malón te invitamos a descargar esta guía de pasos en nuestro sitio

If you want to host your own urban portluck we invite you to download this step-by-step guide on our website

Eliodoro Yáñez Experimental Bikepath: the first public call for tactical urbanism in Chile

Niños, jóvenes y adultos recorren Eliodoro Yáñez desde Avda. Tobalaba hasta Avda. Providencia por la Ciclovía Experimental.

Children, young people, and adults travel Eliodoro Yáñez, from Avda. Tobalaba to Avda. Providencia, along a 3 km long experimental bikepath for what was called the first solicitation of tactical urbanism in Chile!

Tactical Passageway through the Slaughterhouse, Commercial Neighborhood Franklin 

Desde arriba: Una estrategia de dinamización en el barrio comercial Franklin, realizada en colaboración con 300 alumnos Arquitectura UDD.

Aerial view: A strategy of commercial dynamism in the Franklin neighborhood in Santiago Centro. It was realized thanks to the collaboration of 300 architecture students from the UDD.

Experimental Zone 30 in Las Mil Calles

Una intervención urbana para reducir la velocidad de los automóviles en pos de la seguridad de los vecinos.

An urban experiment to reduce the speed of cars through the creation of mini-plazas geared towards the safety of the residents. The good news is that the experiment promptly led to the permanent construction of the mini-plazas by the Providencia Municipality.

More than football rocks Tocopilla: the Culture of Play in the Tres Marías population. 

Nuestra primera residencia artística para el CNCA en Tocopilla. 200 hulas hulas dieron vida a la población 3 marías con elementos de juego.

Our first artistic residence in the CNCA in Tocopilla. 200 hulahoops gave life to 3 Marías population with objects for play.

CEM in MIT Enterprise Forum in Guadalajara, México

En marzo de este año estuvimos en Guadalajara participando del MIT Enterprise Forum. ¡Que lindo que es México!

In March of this year we went to Guadalajara to participate in the MIT Enterprise Forum. Mexico is beautiful!

CEM at the International Bicycle Forum in Bogota, Colombia

Foro Internacional de la Bici Bogotá

Invited by the Mayor of Bogota, we went to the International Bicycle Forum in Bogotá

Taking the pulse of commerce in Peñalolén’s markets

Un árbol de ideas tomándole el pulso a los vecinos de Peñalolén.

A tree of ideas taking the collective pulse of Peñalolén’s residents

Studying Peñalolén’s small and medium-sized formal commerce.

A partir de un estudio para la Cámara de Comercio de Peñalolén, salimos a recorrer sus calles   para encuestar y entender los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrenta el comercio de esta importante comuna.

Starting with a study we conducted for Peñalolén’s Chamber of Commerce, we walked the streets to survey and understand the challenges and opportunities that the commerce in this important commune faces.

Trying to energize the Commercial Neighborhood Ictinos of Peñalolén

A partir de recorridos participativos comenzamos a dar forma a una estrategia de dinamización comercial para el barrio Ictinos.

Starting with participatory tours we began giving form to a strategy for commercial energization of the Ictinos Neighborhood.

A plan to activate the commercial neighborhood Estación de San Bernardo

Trabajo con el Grupo Asociativo Local de San Bernardo para gatillar la recuperación comercial del barrio Estación.

Working with the Local Associative Group San Bernardo to trigger the commercial recovery of the Estacíón neighborhood

New ideas to strengthen the Commercial neighborhood La Serena Centro


In La Serena we are deploying a collaborative effort to revitalize downtown.

Photo: Diario del Dia

Tactical Urbanism for Commercial neighborhood Independencia in Ovalle


The arrival of Tactical Urbanism actions as revitalization methodologies for public spaces in Ovalle.

Photo: Plataforma Urbana

Reconquering the Street with an Urban Potluck in San Carlos de Apoquindo

Con la presencia de bandas emergentes y de una feria ciudadana, los vecinos de San Carlos de Apoquindo (Las Condes) sacaron sus mesas y sillas a la calle.

As part of the Smart Santiago project driven by the Fraunhofer Chile Research Foundation, and with the presence of emerging bands and a public fair, residents of San Carlos de Apoquindo (Las Condes) brought their tables and chairs outside to the street.

Collaborative Structures Workshop ETH Zurich + PUC

Junto a la escuela ETH de Zurich y alumnos del Laboratorio de Proyecto Urbano del MPUR UC trabajamos en un taller de estructuras colaborativas en contextos sociales.

In collaboration with the school ETH of Zurich and students from the Laboratory of Urban Planning of the MPUR UC, we worked on a workshop about collaborative structures in social contexts.

The rebirth of the Recycling Okuplaza in Villa Alemana

Un espacio de encuentro y esparcimiento para la comunidad a partir de mobiliario hecho con neumáticos reciclados.
A meeting place and amenities for the community based on equipment made from recycled tires.

Our tools are consolidated as applied research methodologies: Tree of Ideas in SmartSantiago

Nuestra herramienta Arbol de Ideas sirvió para dar el punta pié inicial de Smart Santiago, una iniciativa de investigación aplicada en ciencia y tecnología impulsada por Fundación Fraunhofer Chile Research, apoyada por CONICYT y financiada con fondos del Gobierno Regional Metropolitano.

Our Tree of Ideas tool in Smart Santiago served to spark  an initiative of applied research into science and technology driven by the Fraunhofer Chile Research Foundation, supported by CONICYT, and financed by the Regional Metropolitan Government.

Always a part of Populusaurio: a network of citizen organizations

Nuevamente este año fuimos parte del evento Populusaurio que reune a decenas de organizaciones ciudadanas . Este año junto con instalar el árbol de ideas incentivamos la realización de un malón urbano en Parque Balmaceda.

This year we were yet again part of the Populusaurio event that brings together dozens of civic organizations. This year, along with installing the Tree of Ideas, we encourage the creation of an Urban Potluck in the Balmaceda Park.

Ciudad Emergente’s 2015 year in figures:

11 people actively working

14 people with internships at CEM

108 people worked on our projects

One revamped directory *

+ 500 volunteers

6 urban tactics

12 tools for surveying indicators

17 media appearances

4 online publications **

3 countries and 9 communes ***

2 citizens consultancy ****

6,181 people experienced our tools *****

12 partnerships ******

8,956 followers on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Issuu, Tumblr)

One vision: Collectively build the city to make it more livable!

Happy New Year to everyone who emerges with new ideas for the city and welcome 2016!

* In 2015 we welcomed new directors including Juan Pedro Pinochet, Alejandra Wood, Sebastian Bowen and Esteban Calvo.
** The 2015 CEM published four reports: The first was Surveying Public Perception Indicators in the José Arrieta Market, Peñalolén (January 2015). The second one was about surveying indicators for the Citizen’s MAP8 Bikepath Tactic, held on the banks of the Mapocho River in May. The third  report pertains to the results of a survey of citizens’ perceptions about the Bikepath Prototype along Eliodoro Yanez Avenue. The fourth  and final report presents the results of the Citizen Perceptions Survey for the  Experimental Zone 30 in the Mil Calles neighborhood (July 2015).
*** During this past year we participated as lecturers and listeners in various initiatives in Chile as well as in Colombia and Mexico. We also carry out projects in 9  municipalities in Chile: Ovalle, La Serena, San Bernardo, Peñalolén, Providencia, Las Condes, Villa Alemana, Rancagua.
**** During 2015 Ciudad Emergente developed consultancies aimed at developing cities focused on people. To accomplish this, we work with the Social Management Consultant CSR and develop a Park-City Master Plan for an area of 40 hectares in the city of Rancagua.
***** Count based on 2,967 people in Map8 + 2,371 in  the Experimental Bikepath + 600  people in the Experimental Zone 30 + 243 people in the Plazaforma.
****** During 2015 we allied with the following organizations for our projects: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Universidad del Desarrollo; ETH Zurich; I. Municipalidad de Santiago; Vecinos Barrio Franklin; Be Cycle; Junta de Vecinos Las Mil Calles; Junta de Vecinos San Carlos de Apoquindo; I. Municipalidad de Las Condes. Además de sumarnos a la iniciativa de 20 organizaciones ciudadanas unidas en Populusaurio: Balmaceda Arte Joven; Educación 2020; Fundación Casa de la Paz; CODEFF; GreenPeace; Yo Reciclo; WWF; América Solidaria; Fundación Superación de la Pobreza; Hogar de Cristo; Fundación Trascender; Fundación Junto al Barrio; Pedaleable; Humanas; Amnistía Internacional; Iguales; Opción; Ciudadano Inteligente; Socialab