Citizen’s Call to Action


In order to rally the public support around a specific issue we decided to create the Citizen’s Charter.



When an urban intervention is related to a specific topic, an opportunity exists to draft a public letter that can be supported and signed by the citizens involved in the intervention and then sent to the relevant authorities, thereby connecting the voices of citizens with decision makers.

This tactic was first used during the Valparaiso Arts Festival and realized in conjunction with the Cinco Soles Cooperative.

We later implemented it during the Eyes on the Building intervention as part of the Festival Port of Ideas. To join the initiative that demands our politicians legislate disincentives to the production of plastic bags and promote more environmentally-friendly alternatives, sign this charter here!

Want to know more about this citizen charter? Visit the website!

This tool has been implemented in:

Okuplaza del Reciclaje,

Ojos en el Palacio
