

Ciudad Emergente applies the Lean Start-Up methodology to urbanism. This methodology consists of a three-step cycle: implementation, measurement, and learning. Its goal is to minimize the total execution time of these three steps. Ciudad Emergente’s methodology consists of combining tactical urbanism actions with tools that measure relevant indicators. We call these “LQC Tactics” (light, quick and cheap) and “Tools 2.0” (for the collaborative logic of the web 2.0)

LQC Tactics

These tactics consist of a set of on-site activities (exercises implemented 1 on 1, at a 1 to 1 scale) that involve civil society and decision-makers. Based on the “LQC” concept, these tactics use prototypes designed to quickly achieve results of urban relevance, enabling the beneficiaries to participate directly in their city’s development and sensitizing the public towards the effects of each project and/or initiative.


In addition to the “LQC Tactics”, our strategy involves the design, development, and implementation of information and perception-gathering instruments for the construction of urban agendas and to inform certain plans or projects. These citizen-participation tools allow us to assess tactical interventions and quickly learn from them, thus influencing our long-term plan.
